I believe that understanding the client’s issues well, not underestimating their subjective complaints, and treating each person individually is key to successful therapy. I enjoy searching for the root cause of problems and finding the most effective solution. In therapy, I like to combine passive techniques such as manual therapy or shockwave therapy with the client’s active involvement in their treatment. I first became passionate about physiotherapy as a patient during my first visit at age 15. Studying physiotherapy was an obvious choice. Even after completing my master’s degree, I continue to educate myself in the field. I strive to stay up to date with the latest scientific studies and approach all information with critical thinking.
BSc. degree in Physiotherapy at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport at Charles University in Prague
MSc. degree in Physiotherapy at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport at Charles University in Prague
Metoda L. Mojžíšové – část A: Mobilizace žeber – Mgr. Jana Jedličková, PhDr. Jitka Malá, Ph.D.
Komplexní terapie triggerpointů a globální reciproční svalová inhibice – PhDr. Petr Bitnar, Ph.D.
Úvod do fyzioterapie fasciálních tkání – Mgr. Zdeněk Čech, Mgr. Jan Tolar
Manipulace – Mgr. Maja Špiritović, Ph.D.
Mobilizace – Mgr. Maja Špiritović, Ph.D.
Palpační anatomie – Mgr. et Mgr. Helena Voráčová, Mgr. Kateřina Kodríková, Mgr. Jan Tolar
Úvod do léčby radiální tlakovou vlnou ve fyzioterapii (Mgr. Jakub Katolický)
Instruktor fitness a Instruktor kondičního posilování – Doc. PhDr. Eva Blahušová, CSc.
Specialized in:
Tinnitus treatment
Temporomandibular joint
Sports physio