As a physiotherapist, I work with both adults and children, drawing on my professional knowledge and practical experience. For adults, I primarily treat spinal and joint pain, neurological conditions, and post-traumatic states. I also work with women dealing with gynecological issues like painful menstruation. For children, I often address poor posture and flat feet, as well as provide physiotherapy for neurological and orthopedic issues or sports-related overload injuries. I’m also interested in psychosomatic connections and the impact of lifestyle or work stress on health problems. I work with foot health and proper footwear for both children and adults.
I enjoy finding the root cause of issues, and together with the client, we can achieve quick therapy results. I often combine manual techniques (mobilization, soft tissue treatment, and visceral therapy) with targeted active exercises. My approach is guided by the client’s goals and what I observe during our sessions. I also communicate in English.
BSc. degree in Physiotherapy at 2. Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague
MSc. degree in Physiotherapy at 2. Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague
Terapeutický koncept bazální podprogramy
Kurz diagnostiky a terapie funkčních poruch pohybového systému
Rehabilitační kurz léčby některých druhů ženské funkční sterility metodou Ludmily Mojžíšové
Aplikace vývojové kineziologie podle Vojty u hybných poruch pro 2.LF UK – RL Corpus
Viscerální manipulace 1 – Bc. Alena Zapletalová
Senzomotorická stimulace a stabilizace postury
Odborný kurz o nohách
Školení v oboru neinvazivní laserové terapie
Terapeutické využití kinesiotapu
Certifikát High intensity LASER terapeut (BTL, odborné školení)
Úvod do léčby radiální tlakovou vlnou ve fyzioterapii (Mgr. Jakub Katolický)
Pánevní dno – úvod – GrooFy Brno
Specialized in
Foot physiotherapy
Gynecological Physiotherapy
Back pain